Landing On Creative That Converts With Curology

  • CRO

Landing On Creative That Converts With Curology

As a direct-to-consumer skincare brand, Curology relies on a strong online presence to drive awareness and subscriptions. When Curology needed to drive more efficiency and volume with their paid media investment, they partnered with the team at Cro Metrics to help improve conversion on site.


new account creations


orders placed

The Cro Metrics Process

Our strong culture of experimentation allows our experts to break down and test through multiple solutions for every challenge. And with over 30k tests in our database, we always have a strong foundation to start from. 

Here’s how we broke down the challenges and uncovered an invaluable solution

The Goals

Improve CVR and increase conversion volume from paid media. 

Our Hypotheses

After a full audit of Curology’s paid media, we found that most ads were leading to the same landing page, regardless of channel or messaging. So, we built this into some new things to test. 

  • Developing net new landing pages to boost ad-landing page synergy will improve CVR
  • Building a dedicated landing page to highlight promos and improve offer transparency will maximize seasonal conversion volume


Our tests allowed us to deliver some high-level learnings that Curology continues to use for the Paid Media strategy. 

  • Custom landing pages for different social media channels convert better
  • Personalized creative drives conversions for low-intent channels
  • Directing high-intent audiences directly into the sign up flow converts better
  • Holiday-specific maximizes performance during peak shopping times 

Like most of our enterprise partners (97.1% of them), Curology continues to work with us to build onto the successes from these tests and more. With our continued learnings we’re able to continuously optimize growth solutions no matter how much the marketing landscape changes. 

At Cro Metrics, our track record of results starts with more than 30,000 client experiments under our belt. Our time-tested experiment-led process, bank of winning test results, proprietary analytics tools and high-impact testing roadmaps, help us propel clients, like Curology, to the next stage of growth.

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Secure Growth: Experimentation and Personalization is Transformative for Ring

  • CRO

Secure Growth: Experimentation and Personalization is Transformative for Ring

With a focus on product expansion and customer loyalty, conversion optimization efforts lead to a 60X ROI.

Ring is the leading provider of home security products with a simple mission: Make Neighborhoods Safer. From a humble appearance on Shark Tank to a $1 billion dollar acquisition from Amazon a few short years later, Ring has had quite a ride.


average order value


return on investment

“It has been such a pleasure working with the team and seeing the results here at Ring. Your service is outstanding. Your enthusiasm for our business, your ideas, and the Cro Metrics team are second to none.”

– David Kaye, Former VP, Global Ecommerce and Subscription, Ring

The Challenge

With rapid growth and an ever-expanding product line, Ring turned to Cro Metrics to help increase multi-product purchases, reduce friction for first-time customers, and improve customer loyalty and retention.

The Solution

We began by analyzing the customer journey, and identifying friction points through the purchase process. A series of successful tests alleviated these bottlenecks. In parallel, we devised a strategy to improve product messaging and positioning for new products and bundles. Throughout the program, testing velocity increased, delivering compounded results and learnings, which allowed our methods to mature into audience development based on high-impact customer segments. As we learned about these consumers and their buying patterns, onsite personalization via relevant recommendations were leveraged to drive cross and upsell product bundles and accessories.


By focusing on multi-product and bundles, we achieved a 13% increase in average order value—significant to Ring’s goal of product line expansion and their ultimate mission to Make Neighborhoods Safer. Throughout the program, Ring has benefited from a 60X return on its investment in website optimization and personalization.

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Unified Data Uncovers Opportunities for Experiment-Led Growth

  • Analytics

Unified Data Uncovers Opportunities for Experiment-Led Growth

Yami ( is dedicated to providing Asian snacks and food, beauty and health products, home appliances, and books to Asian Americans. Yami is the most popular one-stop shopping destination among the Chinese community in North America and has extended its reach into numerous additional markets.

The Challenge

With 1,000s of SKUs, global localized markets (predominantly Asia and North America), and a multi-channel advertising approach, In order to optimize marketing channels and reduce wasteful spend, Yami needed to make sense of its data—particularly around understanding customer intent, audience segments, acquisition targets, attribution, and repeat purchase patterns.

The Solution

Our existing relationship with Yami in launching their Conversion Rate Optimization testing program led to a natural progression to bolster their analytics and provide much-needed answers, necessary to optimizing across the entire customer lifecycle. We began by assessing Yami’s data infrastructure, analytics, and ad platforms. Leveraging our Build | Try | Optimize framework, we built a unified data schema for Yami that incorporated all website visitors, mobile app users, and marketing performance data. This enabled us to design data visualizations that address goal targets and layer in attribution modeling. We created both executive-level performance dynamic dashboards for metrics at a glance, but also granular-level performance reports with the ability to drill into specific metrics to uncover purchase patterns and surface opportunities, enabling Yami to optimize marketing efforts and reduce wasteful spending.

Also, with such a large catalog across multiple markets, it allowed us to create powerful nuanced reporting beyond just data unification. For example, on-site search is an important element of product discovery and matching customer intent. We tailored search, audience exploration, day part analysis, and other reports to Yami’s unique business and KPIs.


Yami’s entire marketing team is now empowered to better understand its customers and make informed decisions across channel efforts affecting each stage of the customer journey. One of the key reporting features is the ability to sort paid keywords by ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) allowing Yami to identify the keywords that provide a high ROAS and increase investment or conversely, rethink strategies for keywords that are losing money, and adjust bidding accordingly.

Yami can also explore the behavior of non-converters to identify potential areas for improvement. By analyzing their behavior, we’re able to identify users who abandoned their carts and find out if they returned to complete their purchase. This information is crucial in recapturing cart abandoners and improving conversion rate.

Central and unified data enables the Yami team to be strategic and make decisions exponentially faster. Analytics questions that previously took days or weeks to uncover, now are revealed in moments with new reports easily stood up. The accuracy and speed of the analytics keeps Yami ahead of its competition by accelerating optimization tactics quickly.

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How Bombas Increased Logins by 36%

  • CRO

How Bombas Increased Logins by 36%

As a leading sock and apparel brand, Bombas faced challenges with their account login process, impacting user engagement and checkout efficiency. Through their strategic testing roadmap with Cro Metrics, we optimized the customer journey for account logins, resulting in notable improvements in both logins and orders.




orders placed

We have increased our testing program's velocity and overall ROI. This comes from improved process and education on how to identify and structure good hypothesis routed in clear customer pain points / problems. We have worked together quite well over the years, which led to more impact and more test learnings.

– Senior Director of Digital Product, Bombas

The Challenge

Bombas faced a significant issue with their account login process, as less than 2% of users were logging in before checkout. This lack of logins hindered customers’ ability to rebuy, check out, or continue previous shopping sessions efficiently.

The Solution

To address this, Cro Metrics tested changing the login icon to the text “Log In.” The hypothesis was that making the login option clearer would increase user engagement and highlight the value of logging in.


The test led to a noticeable increase in logins across all devices, with the most substantial order increase on desktops. Account creation trended positively in the double digits, and traffic to the Buy Again page increased 6x, although overall traffic to this page remained low. The primary reason for the order increase was that being logged in simplified the checkout process. Ultimately, the test resulted in 81K additional orders. Login clicks increased by 36% with 99% statistical significance on the first day, and orders reached statistical significance within 2 days. The test concluded after 7 days, meeting all sample size and statistical significance requirements.

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Learn Small, Scale Big: Turn Visitors Into Customers with a Multi-Brand Strategy

  • CRO

Learn Small, Scale Big: Turn Visitors Into Customers with a Multi-Brand Strategy

The Clorox Company is a leading multinational producer of consumer and professional products with approximately 8,700 employees worldwide. Clorox products are found in 8 out of 10 homes in the United States, including its namesake bleach and cleaning products.

We are going to win with Cro Metrics. I am thrilled to have Cro Metrics in my corner as a strategic partner to help us accelerate and conquer.

– Miles Liedtke, Site Manager – Site Experience and Optimization Manager, DTC BU, The Clorox Company

The Challenge

The world of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) is changing, and COVID inevitably accelerated that change. Brand loyalty is being transformed by direct-to-consumer sales, which in turn informs omnichannel strategies. Clorox recognized that decisions driven by data were unquestionably the catalyst to successfully navigating this transformation, but struggled to work with partners who could not only design and execute a high-velocity testing program, but do so strategically with a focus on Clorox’s goals of media efficiency, incremental on and offline revenue, and uncovering brand insights.

The Solution

Working closely with the team and Clorox across 5 DTC sites, we identified primary focus areas that aligned with Clorox KPIs. Using both qualitative data from Clorox brand teams and quantitative data from onsite e-commerce performance, we designed hypotheses around pricing sensitivity, first identifying low-volume product SKUs, executing successful tests to drive up volume. Validating packaging decisions further moved the needle, coupled with trust messaging and product positioning.


Clorox has truly embraced a Culture of Experimentation—one where learnings are shared across the enterprise. Not only did we achieve remarkable results across our primary focus areas, but our learnings have delivered brand insights that will be applied more broadly throughout the business. This has enabled Clorox to include more teams and stakeholders in the success of the optimization program.

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New Paid Media Strategy Cuts Conversion Costs

  • Paid Media

New Paid Media Strategy Cuts Conversion Costs

Significant decrease in CAC by leveraging key strategies including automated location targeting and value-based bidding.

Vector Marketing is a direct selling subsidiary company and the domestic sales arm of CUTCO Corporation, a high-quality cutlery manufacturer. Over 15 million people use CUTCO in their kitchens daily.

Recently, Vector required a new paid media partner that was responsive and willing to work with the company to reach its goals of reducing conversion costs. As long-time partners, Vector and Cro Metrics expanded into paid media based on the success of previous conversion rate optimization work.


decrease in recruitment costs

You’re willing to understand our business before just tossing ‘best practices’ into the mix. I’ve never felt stupid for asking questions and appreciate how transparent you are about what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and what is and isn’t working. I feel like you’re genuinely working to get us better results, not just trying to find ways for us to spend more money.

– Jennifer Allen, National Manager of Digital Testing and Analytics, Vector Marketing (Company of Cutco Corporation)

The Challenge

Sourcing new job applicants is critical for Vector Marketing’s success. However, at the beginning of this project, conversion costs for sourcing had drastically increased due to issues out of the company’s control.

Recruitment costs were already higher before COVID-19 took hold in 2019. However, as the pandemic intensified, so did the volatility and unpredictability of recruitment costs across all industries. The same was true for Vector, a company that thrives on consistent team growth.

In addition to increasing costs, Vector’s previous agency had made several big mistakes and failed to rectify them quickly. And unfortunately, the account manager seemed unaware of previous conversations and decisions made by their predecessor.

All of this combined to become the perfect storm, limiting the number of new applicants and employees Vector was able to recruit. As a result, the company was struggling to fill its sales pipelines and meet its growth goals.

The Solution

Cro Metrics partnered with Vector Marketing to overhaul the company’s existing paid media strategy. We started by performing an extensive audit, providing recommendations, and restructuring the strategy during the first month.

In the months to follow, we deployed best-in-class analytics, automated bidding, and ad strategies. Other accomplishments included:

  • Reorganization of the account based on top-performing ads
  • Development of an in-depth plan to track downstream conversions and conversion value
  • Implementation of a new locations automation script to make 44,000 ad changes each month to support dynamic sales pipeline demand at the different sales offices throughout the nation
  • Implementation of value-based bidding using conversion value from each conversion in the business cycle


As a result of our partnership, Vector Marketing experienced a 13% decrease in cost per recruit when comparing costs from 2018-2019 and 2021-2022, which allows them to continue to rely on paid media as one of its key recruiting channels.

While this decrease is a clear result of the paid media overhaul, Vector also contributes the success to our focus on partnering with our clients instead of simply treating them as revenue generators.

Throughout our relationship with Vector Marketing, we remained open and honest, always willing to answer the team’s questions. We were also transparent, consistently sharing the “why” behind each step we took.

Just like in any other project we take on, we made sure each move we made was right for Vector and how the company conducts business. After all, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to paid media strategy—all businesses are unique.

Platforms and Tools:

  • Google Ads Bulk Actions Scripts
  • Offline Conversions
  • Google Analytics Important Conversions


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Optimizing the Customer Journey Increases Online Revenue 329%

  • Lifecycle

Optimizing the Customer Journey Increases Online Revenue 329%

An e-commerce jewelry brand leveraged Cro Metrics’ comprehensive, experiment-led approach to evolve their SMS and email strategies. They moved from simple welcome and cart abandonment emails to a holistic funnel strategy that incorporated personalized automations. This shift tailored the customer journey, enhancing engagement and increasing conversions.


Increase in Revenue


Click Rate


Revenue Per Recipient

The Challenge

The e-commerce jewelry brand faced a challenge due to its basic email automation, the absence of SMS testing, and the use of an Email Service Provider (ESP) with limited personalization and testing capabilities, which restricted effective customer engagement.

The Solution

Cro Metrics migrated the client to a more customer-centric Email Service Provider (ESP), Klaviyo, and warmed the audiences to ensure a smooth transition. By enabling the Shopify integration, we leveraged the enhanced personalization and segmentation capabilities. A multi-test roadmap was established to explore and optimize various strategies and swimlanes.

The core lifecycle touchpoints, including Welcome and Abandoned Cart Flows, were rebuilt, and four additional automations were added to the mix. Testing was introduced to the SMS channel as a new swimlane to refine and optimize messaging strategies, transforming SMS from a ‘send it and forget it’ channel to one actively engaged in testing and improvement.


This strategic overhaul not only demonstrated the viability of SMS testing through a multi-test roadmap but also led to significant improvements across the board. By integrating email and SMS flows and optimizing messages with targeted personalization and continuous testing, the brand significantly enhanced its marketing effectiveness, resulting in a marked increase in lead acquisition at the top of their funnel.

The optimized Welcome Testing Roadmap drove remarkable outcomes, including a 210% revenue increase. Key test results included:

  • Testing the time of send resulted in a +21% conversion rate.
  • Using emojis versus plain text led to a +31% conversion rate.
  • Comparing MMS to plain text saw a +129% click rate.
  • Implementing a call to action (CTA) versus no CTA observed a modest +2% click rate increase.

Year-over-year comparisons were equally impressive, with a 9% higher open rate, 39% higher click rate, an extraordinary 812% increase in conversion rate, and a 566% surge in revenue per recipient. These outcomes underscore the critical role of lifecycle testing in enhancing your testing program’s impact.

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