Secure Growth: Experimentation and Personalization is Transformative for Ring

With a focus on product expansion and customer loyalty, conversion optimization efforts lead to a 60X ROI.

Ring is the leading provider of home security products with a simple mission: Make Neighborhoods Safer. From a humble appearance on Shark Tank to a $1 billion dollar acquisition from Amazon a few short years later, Ring has had quite a ride.


average order value


return on investment

“It has been such a pleasure working with the team and seeing the results here at Ring. Your service is outstanding. Your enthusiasm for our business, your ideas, and the Cro Metrics team are second to none.”

– David Kaye, Former VP, Global Ecommerce and Subscription, Ring

The Challenge

With rapid growth and an ever-expanding product line, Ring turned to Cro Metrics to help increase multi-product purchases, reduce friction for first-time customers, and improve customer loyalty and retention.

The Solution

We began by analyzing the customer journey, and identifying friction points through the purchase process. A series of successful tests alleviated these bottlenecks. In parallel, we devised a strategy to improve product messaging and positioning for new products and bundles. Throughout the program, testing velocity increased, delivering compounded results and learnings, which allowed our methods to mature into audience development based on high-impact customer segments. As we learned about these consumers and their buying patterns, onsite personalization via relevant recommendations were leveraged to drive cross and upsell product bundles and accessories.


By focusing on multi-product and bundles, we achieved a 13% increase in average order value—significant to Ring’s goal of product line expansion and their ultimate mission to Make Neighborhoods Safer. Throughout the program, Ring has benefited from a 60X return on its investment in website optimization and personalization.

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