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Something I love about how we operate at Cro Metrics is that our structure allows us to derive learnings and insights into human behavior and apply those learnings across a wide range of industries we work with. This approach not only allows our clients to benefit from our specialized expertise in specific verticals but also to gain from cross-industry learnings—ranging from travel and hospitality to subscription services, e-commerce, real estate, and nonprofits.

This week I took a look at a few things we see less of in the nonprofit world but are big revenue-generators in the for-profit sector. If you’re a nonprofit digital marketer or fundraiser, here are three quick takeaways you can immediately apply to level up your online fundraising efforts. If you’re a for-profit marketer, take a look at what’s making others successful in this space!

1. Always Be Testing: The Power of Robust Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

While A/B testing is a common practice, truly impactful strategies involve a comprehensive Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) program. This goes far beyond the standard email subject line or CTA button copy test and includes running extensive tests across all digital properties, from paid ads to email marketing and on-site user experience (UX). 

By making testing and optimization a central focus of each digital channel strategy, organizations can achieve remarkable results. Our clients see an average 10.3x return on investment, with 100% achieving positive ROI within the first year of investing in a testing-led growth approach.

2. Mapping the Donor Journey: Applying For-Profit Customer Journey Mapping to Nonprofits

Customer journey mapping, a staple in the for-profit space, can be equally transformative for nonprofits. By combining qualitative and quantitative data, organizations gain a profound understanding of donor attributes and interactions.

This visualization helps identify areas for optimization, feel out friction points, and identify ways to streamline the customer journey, which both increases revenue as well as improves the actual customer experience.

Applying these principles allows nonprofits to build lasting relationships, evolving and fostering deeper connections with supporters over time, and leading to a more stable base of online revenue.

3. Tailor Experiences for Mobile: Mobile-First Strategies for Enhanced Engagement

While mobile optimization is essential, truly impactful results come from iterative testing for a mobile-first approach. Want an easy way to know whether your program strategy is mobile first? Just look at your content – if your desktop visitors and mobile visitors receive the same content then you are mobile-optimized, not mobile-first.

Distinct mobile experiences can significantly impact user behavior. Our clients are constantly testing into the mobile experience and this will continue to be a major opportunity for growth in 2024. Some examples  from just this quarter alone include:

  • Less is More: Removing a compelling hero image on desktop from the mobile experience increased conversions by 29% for an online healthcare provider.

  • Mobile-Specific Countdown Timer for Paid Acquisitions: Testing a mobile-specific countdown timer specifically mirroring mobile paid advertising content led to a 5% lift in conversions for a television streaming network.

  • Messaging Disparity: Leveraging different messaging on desktop vs. mobile revealed a 645% divergence in customer behavior for a collagen supplement and wellness brand.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, nonprofits can benefit immensely by adapting and implementing strategies proven successful in the for-profit world. By embracing a testing-centric approach, mapping donor journeys, and prioritizing mobile-first experiences, nonprofits can enhance their digital presence and break through the noise to have meaningful engagement with supporters.

Reach out if you’d like to chat more about cross-industry learnings or our customer/donor journey analysis! I’d love to hear from you at or over on LinkedIn.