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Download our Comprehensive Guide to Experimentation Software 

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to test, learn, and optimize marketing strategies is more critical than ever. Experimentation software platforms offer the tools necessary to conduct A/B testing, personalize content, and understand user behavior at scale. Let’s compare the leading platforms in experimentation software: VWO, Optimizely,, AB Tasty, Adobe Target, and Dynamic Yield. We’ll highlight the distinctive features and capabilities of each platform, providing a clear perspective on how they can meet your organizational goals. 

VWO – Comprehensive Optimization Suite

VWO (Visual Website Optimizer) stands out for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive suite of tools for A/B testing, split URL testing, and multivariate testing. It offers robust behavioral targeting, personalization features, and a vast integration ecosystem. Ideal for organizations prioritizing ease of use and comprehensive features in one platform.

  • Key Features: Visual editor for basic tests, heatmaps, surveys
  • Performance Metrics: High on usability and integration capabilities, with a moderate impact on page load speed.
  • Stats Engine: Bayesian 
  • Common Obstacles: 
    • Client-side testing only, potentially limiting more comprehensive testing strategies
    • Lacks API and project-level JavaScript support, requiring workarounds for Pro plan users
  • Pricing and Scalability: Offers flexible pricing plans suitable for small to large enterprises, emphasizing cost-effectiveness.

Optimizely: Leading in Enterprise Experimentation

Optimizely is renowned for its enterprise-level experimentation and personalization capabilities. It supports advanced testing scenarios, including server-side experiments and feature flagging, making it a great choice for organizations with complex websites and advanced testing programs. 

  • Key Features: Advanced targeting, AI-powered personalization, and extensive analytics.
  • Performance Metrics: Strong performance and security features, with comprehensive developer tools.
  • Stats Engine: Frequentist, with added “Empirical Bayes” flavor
  • Common Obstacles
    • Automatic insights about audience performance during active experiments are not provided
    • Integrating with Google Analytics requires coding
  • Pricing and Scalability: Tailored for large enterprises with custom pricing, focusing on ROI through advanced features. Privacy-Focused Testing Solution emphasizes privacy and data security, making it an excellent choice for organizations concerned with GDPR and other privacy regulations. It offers solid A/B testing capabilities and is known for its customer support and community.

  • Key Features: GDPR compliance, DMP integration, and advanced segmentation.
  • Performance Metrics: Strong emphasis on privacy without compromising on speed and efficiency.
  • Stats Engine: Frequentist
  • Common Obstacles
    • Redirect tests frequently require extra analytics and engineering support
    • Limited segmentation options and lacks page-based bounce and exit rates
    • No out-of-the-box mutual exclusions
  • Pricing and Scalability: Competitive pricing models, suitable for small to medium-sized businesses focusing on cost-efficiency and privacy.

AB Tasty: Agile and User-Friendly

AB Tasty is designed for marketers seeking agility and ease of implementation. It offers a wide range of testing and personalization features, backed by AI-driven insights to enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

  • Key Features: Quick implementation, intuitive interface, and AI-based insights.
  • Performance Metrics: Excellent for fast deployment and real-time analytics, with a focus on marketing agility.
  • Stats Engine: Bayesian 
  • Common Obstacles
    • No out-of-the-box mutual exclusions; limited API support
    • Personalizations and tests can overlap with each other
    • Non-technical users may find it challenging to set up tracking with Google Analytics
  • Pricing and Scalability: Flexible pricing plans, appealing to mid-sized companies and enterprises looking for a balance between functionality and cost.

Dynamic Yield: Personalized AI-Driven Optimization

Dynamic Yield is a powerful AI-driven optimization and personalization engine designed to tailor online experiences. Its capabilities extend across web, mobile apps, email, and kiosks, providing marketers and publishers with tools to increase engagement and conversions through personalized content and recommendations. Dynamic Yield is particularly valued for its machine learning algorithms that dynamically segment and target audiences in real time. 

  • Key Features: Experience OS for hyper-personalization, machine learning insights, utilizes templates 
  • Performance Metrics: Excels in delivering personalized experiences without significantly impacting site speed, ensuring a balance between personalization depth and website performance.
  • Stats Engine: Bayesian
  • Common Obstacles
    • Flicker can be present since it runs off server call after CDN script to get rules/audiences
    • Large number of options can make the initial setup process overwhelming
    • Certain essential features necessitate developer assistance for setup
  • Pricing and Scalability: Offers scalable pricing plans that cater to a wide range of businesses, from mid-market to large enterprises. Pricing is typically custom, based on the volume of impressions and the suite of features required.

Adobe Target: Comprehensive Experience Optimization

Adobe Target is part of the Adobe Experience Cloud, offering tools for website and mobile app optimization. It’s designed for enterprises seeking to deliver finely tuned customer experiences at scale. Adobe Target integrates deeply with other Adobe products, enabling organizations to leverage rich customer data for highly personalized marketing campaigns. 

  • Key Features:  Deep integration with Adobe Experience Cloud for holistic customer insights, advanced AI and machine learning capabilities for automated personalization, and a wide array of testing options including A/B, multivariate, and automated behavioral targeting.
  • Performance Metrics:  High on integration and personalization capabilities, with significant attention to maintaining performance and security standards.
  • Stats Engine: Frequentist 
  • Common Obstacles
    • Optimizing at a large scale can lead to slow performance
    • The complexity of the Adobe ecosystem can present a steep learning curve
  • Pricing and Scalability: Adobe Target is aimed at large enterprises, with pricing that reflects its advanced capabilities and integration depth. Custom pricing is standard, taking into account the scale of the deployment and specific feature requirements.

Pros and Cons of Each Stats Engine Type: 

The differences all stem from how each defines “probability”. All 3 attempt to estimate unknowns, but they quantify accuracy differently. Yes, that means that if an agency is doing conversion rate optimization and utilizing different experimentation platforms, they need to understand all three approaches to statistics. 

Bayesian A/B Testing: 


  • Intuitive Understanding: The Bayesian approach provides probabilities directly interpretable (e.g., there is an X% chance that variant A is better than variant B), which aligns with how we naturally think about uncertainties.
  • Early Insights: It can offer actionable insights with less data compared to traditional methods, allowing for potentially earlier decision-making.
  • Flexibility: It accommodates changes in the experiment, such as adjusting sample sizes or stopping rules without the strict penalties associated with frequentist methods.


  • Complex Interpretation: Despite its intuitive appeal, explaining the results and the concept of credible intervals can be challenging for those not familiar with Bayesian statistics.
  • Computationally Intensive: The calculations required for Bayesian statistics can be more complex and resource-intensive, especially for models that require numerical methods for integration.
  • Stopping Rules: While more flexible, misuse of stopping rules without proper Bayesian adjustments can still lead to biased results.



  • Simplicity and Familiarity: The concepts and language of frequentist statistics are familiar to many, making communication about experiment results more straightforward in some settings.
  • Fixed Framework: By requiring a predetermined sample size and stopping rule, it provides a rigid framework that can protect against the misuse of interim analysis.


  • Inflexibility: The need for a fixed experiment design before data collection begins can lead to inefficient use of resources or premature termination of potentially insightful experiments.
  • Misinterpretation: P-values and confidence intervals are often misunderstood, leading to incorrect conclusions about the probability of one variant being better than another.

Frequentist, with added “Empirical Bayes” flavor


  • Flexibility and Efficiency: Allows for more adaptive experimentation, potentially reducing the required sample size without a predetermined fixed sample size.
  • Balanced Approach: Tries to incorporate the benefits of Bayesian priors for initializing experiments with the rigorous testing framework of frequentist statistics.


  • Lack of Standardization: As a less commonly used method, there might be less consensus on best practices, leading to potential inconsistencies in how experiments are conducted and interpreted.


Need Help Getting Started? Consider partnering with an agency like Cro Metrics. 

  • Quick Program Setup: As the largest independent CRO agency, we specialize in CRO and can rapidly set up a comprehensive testing program, bypassing the learning curve and trial-and-error phase that a company new to CRO would normally face. 
  • Filling Necessary Roles: Partnering with our team allows for immediate full-spectrum skill coverage without the need for additional hiring or training. From strategy, analysis, engineering, QA and program management, the Cro Metrics team can augment or become your growth marketing A-team. 
  • Ensuring Discipline and Consistency: We maintain rigorous testing protocols and consistency, ensuring tests are managed and analyzed effectively, leading to increased testing velocity and more reliable results.
  • Empowering In-House Expertise: As an agency built on a culture of experimentation, we help some of the best companies in the world develop their in-house team’s CRO and growth marketing capabilities, ensuring the optimal partnership between in-house team management and agency support.