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Partnering with a top-rated Optimizely solutions partner is invaluable to your testing and development process for several key reasons. You might think that you’ll be able to use the software’s visual editor to set up your experiments, or that you’ll give your engineers access to Optimizely and they’ll code experiments for you. Both of these are viable options—up to a point. If you want to build a successful and robust experimentation program, you’ll have more success if you employ a team skilled in this specialized task. Cro Metrics has the knowledge, experience, and tools to implement your experiments quickly and efficiently, and will help you grow your business.

Experiment Coding Expertise = More Wins

Even for experienced engineers, learning how to use Optimizely requires a significant amount of ramp-up, on top of their usual work. One problem we often see is that experiments that are launched by a developer unfamiliar with Optimizely often have problems that can actually impact the success of the experiment. For example, many seemingly-straightforward experiments include an unintended flicker effect.

Across the board, flicker has a negative effect on conversions. So even if you are testing a variation that, if implemented correctly, would increase conversions, you might see a flat line or even a negative result if it isn’t coded carefully. Cro Metrics’ experience and tools mean your learnings won’t get lost in the impact of ineffectively-coded experiments.

Efficiency at Scale

We have developed proprietary tools that allow us to code even the most complex experiments quickly and efficiently. We built these ourselves to run our own engineering process, so literally no one else can replicate our efficient systems.

The highlights:

Optimizely Local Interface (OLI) – A proprietary tool that allows us to compile and write all code for our experiments and easily review, learn, and update it as needed. It gives us version control and allows us to build in the file system, keep track of revisions, and automatically upload into Optimizely. This lets us write code in the way engineers are most comfortable doing, and gives us the advantages of faster iterations and debugging cycles. All of this has the result of quicker and bigger growth for you.

ES6 – ES6 is the newest version of Javascript. It has paradigms to write more flexibly and quickly than ever before. Paired with our OLI, we can code experiments in the most cutting-edge language version and then compile that down to versions that work across browsers.

Re-Useable Code Repository – When you partner with Cro Metrics you not only gain the advantage of our expertise, but our years of experience as well. Not only will our product managers have better ideas about what to test, chances are we’ve tested a similar concept before (and perhaps for a completely different industry). We have over 50 snippets of tried and true code ready to adapt into a custom experiment for you. Exit intent? Multi-step form? Integrate with AngularJS components? We’ve got a snippet for that.

Experiments You Never Knew Were Possible

Because we are already adept and experienced with Optimizely, we can run experiments far outside the beginner realm.

Extensive Reimagining – We can take “big swipes” to gain insights, and rapidly move beyond the “red button / green button” level of optimization. We’ve rebuilt an entire signup funnel for a client, resulting in a huge lift. We have implemented a complete redesign of a checkout flow as an experiment. For one client we were able to create an entire “painted door” UI that had enough functionality to help them demo their product to, and sign with, a Fortune 500 company. These complex experiments laid out a clear path for our clients to redesign their site in line with the positive results.

Extra Features – We can create custom code for modals that imitate third party features, and look and feel like your site and your brand. Not only can we code these modals, we can support them on the backend if you don’t have the developer bandwidth to do so. For example, we can code an exit survey allowing you to benefit from your customers’ feedback, and we will direct all that data into a google spreadsheet for you. No need to open a ticket with your dev team.

Complex Personalization – At Cro Metrics, we are number one in knowing how to personalize websites to increase engagement and conversion rates. We can segment incredibly specific audiences in order to allow you to get value from every cohort. Need to target people looking at property in one state who live in a different state who have also visited at least seven times? We can test that for you. (And, can we come along on those travels next time?)

Easily Implement Wins – Because we can create such well documented and extensive experiment code, we give you a leg up when you want to hardcode a win. We will pass the experiment code to your developer so that adding the winning variation is almost as easy as copy/paste. This approach saves you time and money because implementing the winning change can be done quickly. Also, since you’re using data to inform your decisions about what changes to hard code on your site, you know that your developer’s time implementing those changes will have measurable, positive impact on your bottom line.

At Cro Metrics our success depends on our clients’ success. Contact us today to talk about how we can grow your business.