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This real estate marketplace client saw a 6% increase in leads by switching from a single step form to a multi step modal form. Want to see how it worked? Check out this episode of The Cro Show.

Watch this episode of The Cro Show, a game show for conversion rate optimization and marketing experimentation fans, and learn from the Cro Metrics team on how to bring experiment-led growth to your marketing efforts.

Full Transcript:

Alex Gray: This might surprise you, but we saw a 6% increase in leads when switching from a single step form to a multi step modal form in a recent test for a real estate marketplace client.

So let’s check it out.

So I am going to share a test today from one of our long time clients.

This client is a leading real estate marketplace.

And this particular test is mobile only.

So it was actually inspired from working in partnership with the client’s paid advertising team – their digital paid advertising team.

And essentially we went in with data from the paid team with the hypothesis that mobile users at large on the site, and I should say mobile users account for about 61% of total site visitors here, but they are going to be more likely to engage with forms in this – in the format of a multi step modal versus a traditional single landing page with a form on an experience.

So what you can see on the side here is our control, which was the existing landing page with that classic form, five fields here, and then the CTA button.

In our variation you’ll see that there’s a single CTA, same CTA text that “get started” when the visitor clicks through that they’ll enter a modal and submit each of those five fields individually.

So does anyone have any questions?

Zeinoun Kawwass: So when they – in the variation, if they click on “get started” –

Alex Gray: Yeah.

Zeinoun Kawwass: – the only thing they have to do at that point is entered email and then they continue, and then there’s another step for the rest of the fields that we see in the control?

Or is it just entering their email and then they, they’re like, they’re in?

Alex Gray: Yes, so when someone clicks through the “get started” CTA for the modal variation, they submit each of the same form fields that are in the control but as individual entities.

So step one you’re going to submit the I am – fill in the blank – step two, organization size, so on and so forth.

So it requires the mobile visitor to ultimately submit more clicks but insert information individually or one at a time.

Zeinoun Kawwass: Gotcha.

James Buo: Alex, above the – on the variation of what’s your name – does that say like step one of X?

Alex Gray: It does, yes.

Great call out, James.

So we do provide that information with the modal to indicate progress through that process.

So you indicate I am a fill – in the blank agent broker – that’s step one.

When you click through to continue, you’re going to be on step two and have that next form field.

Zeinoun Kawwass: And is this, Alex, on the landing page of like the agents landing page?

Like a paid landing page?

Alex Gray: So this particular test we did not do on a dedicated paid landing page because we already had the insight that paid specific traffic seemed to perform better with modal versus a traditional form.

So we were seeing if that learning applied really across all mobile traffic because again, approximately 60% of traffic to this page, at large, was from a mobile device.

Paid was a relatively small percent of that.

Zeinoun Kawwass: Got it.

Josh Braaten: What were the key goals that you were tracking and did you track the form or the step, the drop off between each of the steps too?

Alex Gray: Yes.

So we did track each stage, each of these fields and how visitors interacted with them so that we had a comparison between the control and the variation; how many people did ultimately complete the field one, field two, field three.

But really our KPI here were ultimately leads acquired.

So how many people actually went through and completed the entire form.

So that, you know, the client could then follow up with these things?

Zeinoun Kawwass: I feel like in the variation it’s less sort of pushy and it enables you to see more content whereby if you wanted to proceed then then it gives you that option rather than just be sort of like in your face type form.

And the fact that the form in the control takes up so much of that space and you don’t see much context around that.

And that you know, this performed so well for paid.

I think I’m going to go with a variation on this one.

Alex Gray: Oh, okay. All right.

Zeinoun kind of planning to seed it for the early vote, should we open it to the rest of the group?

Thumbs up, thumbs down?


Reminder, thumbs up, variation wins, thumbs down, variation lost.

Or you give me a flat to say no change between control and variation.


I’m seeing…a lot of thumbs up and a flat.

So, I’ll skipped the drumroll and say of you who had your thumbs up are correct.

Our variation won, it was actually a very clear winner.

So looking at that KPI leads acquired, we saw a 6% increase, pretty significant projected revenue associated with that sort of metric.

And then we really did see an even more dramatic increase in the stage completion metrics.

So what Josh actually asked about, so for instance, the phone submit field, that was completed over 363% more in the variation versus the control.

So you know looking at this test, we really take away sort of the insight that we’ve then continued to try to iterate on that, limiting the amount of information we asked for at a given point in time for mobile visitors is ultimately going to ease their pathway to completion.

So we’ve continued to work with the client to try to take that insight and apply it elsewhere.

Katie Green: Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to have more test ideas sent directly to your inbox.