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At Cro Metrics, continuous improvement and strategic growth are at the core of everything we do. That’s why we’re excited to share several new features rolling out on our Iris platform. These updates are tailored to enhance your understanding and improve the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts. Here’s a quick overview of what’s new:

Enhanced CRO Reports for Deeper Insights

  1. Impact: Identify the sections of your website where testing yields the most significant results.
  2. KPI Comparisons: Easily compare key program performance indicators over different periods to track progress and trends.
  3. Time-Based Impact: Get a realistic view of how changes unfold over time, helping you understand the longevity and decay of past optimizations.

Experiment API: Data Integration Made Easy

With the launch of our Experiment API, all your experiment data is now at your fingertips. Seamlessly integrate this data into your existing systems or store it for advanced analysis. Our API supports both JSON and CSV formats, making it versatile for various applications. To start using this functionality go to Settings (gear icon top right) > API Access and follow the instructions.

Diving Deeper into Our Reporting Features

Annualized Impact – Get a clearer impact picture

We’ve completely refreshed how we show impact projections for your winning experiments. The biggest update being the inclusion of impact projections over time which visualizes how the impact of winning tests compound upon each other, but also slowly degrades due to waning novelty-effect, competition, and other various external factors. A key reason why a steady and consistent testing pace is so important to program success.

Estimated Impact By Area – See where experimentation has the largest potential impact

We now have reporting to clearly see the estimated impact per win across the various areas of your website. This will help us focus our strategy and effort where impact potential is greatest, leading to more successful results and a bigger impact on your bottom line.

Program KPIs – Gain alignment with transparent program reporting

It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day work, but we ultimately grow with the support of reliable data and a willingness to have direct and productive conversations. This report was designed so we can have that data to celebrate our successes or collaborate better on how we can improve.



Log into your Iris Dashboard to check them out! 

These enhancements to the Iris platform are part of our ongoing commitment to being your partner in growth. Reach out to your Growth Strategist with any questions!