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Metromile is the leading provider of pay-per-mile auto insurance. The company is built on the premise that car insurance costs should be based on the usage of the vehicle. In a world where technology has the power to simplify life, Metromile is seen as an innovator. And for good reason – the company continues to shake up a previously stagnant industry with everything from its ingenious product/service to its new AI-powered claims processing.

metromile system
Metromile Device and App

It comes as no surprise that the company was completely invested in its growth – implementing aggressive advertising channel optimization with great success. However, the team wanted to ‘lean in’ more to testing and extend its efforts to a strategy for continuous website optimization.

The major barrier to moving that plan forward was that Metromile’s team was already fully dedicated to a variety of other important projects and didn’t have the time required to run the impactful, strategic experimentation program that Metromile Senior Marketing Manager, Conor Coughlan, had in mind.

To help facilitate the testing strategy and implementation, Conor got in touch with Optimizely, and Optimizely got in touch with us. From there – Metromile’s comprehensive onsite experimentation program was born. The goal was simple – continuous testing to drive quick learnings and insights that could help shape Metromile’s digital user experience.

One of our key testing initiatives was helping the client streamline its main quote from. Our continuous testing strategy helped the client realize a significant increase in conversion rates – and thus, a lower customer acquisition cost.